Originally Posted by Haboob
I think tonight is RC racing for me, even though I don't feel up to it... I will be fine when I get there.
Then tomorrow morning/afternoon... I have no idea.
Evening is having the lady friend come over and cook for me.  Get to hang out with her some more and her little boy.

hmmm-you know what they say about the way to a mans heart...?
Have fun!!
Originally Posted by XiP

Originally Posted by JARblue
My desk is such a mess that I fully expected to spend 4+ hours today cleaning it up. If I want a clean desk, I'm not going anywhere soon. Lucky for me, we have happy hour plans in about an hour, so I'll just keep busy here until then 

congrats-procrastination FTW!

Originally Posted by onzedge
Stillen Gen 3 Intake installation tomorrow!!!
Oh boy.

why oh boy?! Aren't you excited?!
I have autocross tomorrow. Trying to think of it in different terms this evening.
Just a fun day w other car enthusiasts.

no pressure. Track time-no big deal.