Originally Posted by kenchan
plan of action for tonight...
first, clean up poop left by racoon on the porch this am...wtf ...by throwing it back home at green prius down the street where it belongs.
then if my kids are up to it, take them out for a stroll in their kickscooters. im going to just do a walk today. ...kids are too slow to keep up with my kick scooter.
then vac the house.
then play with my new wera tools for a little bit.
then admire my Z.
then supper.
then dishes.
then watch dvd's.
I think tonight is RC racing for me, even though I don't feel up to it... I will be fine when I get there.
Then tomorrow morning/afternoon... I have no idea.
Evening is having the lady friend come over and cook for me.
Get to hang out with her some more and her little boy.