Thread: Z1
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Old 07-11-2013, 07:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Z1

Anybody ever had a issue with the costumer service of Z1?

My situation I ordered the S-tune side skirts 29 May 2013. About 2 weeks after I log on the website and it says contact costumer. So I call Z1 being I am deployed and the number they have on file is cut off while I am overseas. I asked about my order and they say they are trying to locate a set in the good o US of A. I was ok with this being I will not be able to drive my car or install anything until August. Well another couple of weeks go by and I decide to call them again to check on order. They mentioned they supposedly received a set in but came in damaged. I was like you got to be kidding me. I was ok cool no problem I will wait. Well July rolls around and I start to wonder if I will ever get a ETA for this item. I called and Z1 said they are placing a order with Nissan in Japan to get these items and could take 4-6 weeks to produce. I decided through email that it is no longer worth the wait. They mentioned through email they will cancel the order and give me 560.00 dollars credit being I already paid for the item. Ok awesome. Well I sent them a email and told them go ahead and send me the Z1 HFC's and ill credit the rest. Well after multiple emails I never received anything back. No credit has been issued the order still says contact customer So I attempt to call them multiple times but being 8 hours ahead it makes it difficult with work and sleep. Just wanted to see if anybody else had a issue with Z1.

Last edited by red2010z; 07-11-2013 at 07:42 PM.
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