so it was time to get my smog check done, took my baby in (370Z) and she passed no problem. it was a big waste of my time, honestly.
anyway, the facility's entrance/exit is narrow and with a steep incline. while i was pulling out, i made sure to go out on an angle slowly, cleared the ings+ no problem, but my car was pointed toward the right while i wanted to turn left. i saw a blue car approaching from my right, so i stopped halfway out into the street to let the pos enter the facility just because i am a nice guy.
then this f-king fatarse loser geezer in this pos old blue taurus station wagon approaches, and yells out 'wat are you doing?!' instead of 'thanks!' because my car is still pointed towards the right and im trying to turn left.
so i look at his lost eyes surrounded by his fat cheeky face and big waste of tax money, and told him
'im winning' and drove off.
then went out for a nice drive to enjoy my am.

QD'd afterwards. now sipping on diet pepsi on the rocks

and will head out to work in a while.