Your priorities:
-Keep all stockpiles above 0. Use your radio if you are low on one particular item and for 10 influence, the radio girl will locate the item for you on your map (nearest resource location). Food and medical supplies are plentiful. Ammo and building materials are the most scarce. Look for building materials in warehouses and sheds. Ammo can be found in a a few gun shops and in people's homes occasionally. You get a huge ammo infusion near the end of the game so don't panic if you're running low.
-Keep morale up but don't worry about it TOO much. Morale hits you take from refusing "so and so is mad at the world" missions are minor. I have yet to find a use for "friendship" between characters so don't worry about it. The only caveat to this is that if your camp is small and EVERYONE is scared/mad/whatever, you can't call in supply runs because characters become "unavailable" if they are being bitchy.
-As soon as you can get out of the church, LEAVE. Move to the Snyder Trucking Warehouse in the next town over (head out of town to the right and hang a left before you hit the barricaded bridge). Upgrade it to the max with the following:
-Fully upgraded Medical Facility - for multiple reasons I won't get into.
-Fully upgraded sniper tower
-Sleeping Barracks
Don't bother with the other stuff. None of it is worthwhile. The warehouse is a great place to set up your end-game run. DO NOT MOVE to the carnival once it becomes available because depending on how much scavenging you've done, you may not have enough resources to build it completely. This ended up screwing me. That plus the "freak" zombie spawns are much higher near the carnival meaning you have to deal with ferals, big bastards etc much more often. On top of that, getting in and out of the carnival "base" is a huge PITA and the annoying pop-up missions you get will take 2-3x as long to complete due to accessibility issues. The end game can easily be completed from the trucking warehouse.
Last edited by dmhenderson; 07-11-2013 at 10:49 AM.