Originally Posted by Mr&Mrs
Last I checked there were 12 months in a year.  You were correct the first time if it is 5 bucks a month.
This is part of my major gripe and why I said some of the things I did in previous posts. I do not want these style games on my Xbox or Playstation!
yeah but if you pay the year upfront, i they discount you $10. Hopefully they'll do the same for PS4.
It's $20 a year for a playstation network card. That's what the PS3 gets free and will keep getting for free. Then it's $50 a year for a playstation plus card. So you will have to pay $20 ANNUALLY for internet access. And another $50 a year if you want the full plus experience.
So in one way, you can be a little happier in the sense online access is not $5 a month but $20 a year. But it's still upsetting because it's free in the PS3, why pay on the 4? Also to get the fullest experience from playstation. It will total out to $70 annually.
Me, im not angry but the news isn't welcoming either.