Originally Posted by antennahead
I seriously doubt you've ever in your working career, either by choice or in management training, ever run a cash register, cash drawer, or teller window. If so, you'd hate to even "touch" money. When I get handed dirty, wet, limp, nasty bills, all I can see are the same dirty people that carried this stuff in their nasty sweaty pockets................. gross 
Oh man I remember working the cash register at Blockbuster in college in Daytona Beach. If you don't know, Daytona Beach is filled with thousands of hill billy, sister humping, toothless, crackheads.
Well this one particular hill billy, brother humping, toothless, crackhead, girl came in and paid with her crumpled up bills that were stuffed in her nasty a
ss bra. Naturally she didn't have the entire $4.57 so she borrowed a dollar from her mom. Guess where her mom kept it. Nope, not her bra, instead in the top of her spandex pants! I threw up a little in my mouth after that transaction. I also went straight to the bathroom to sanitize.. lol
Oh and just a reminder.. spandex is a privilege, not a right!