What to do with friendly feral cat
I just moved to CA, this temporary housing I am staying at has a few feral cats running around. For some odd reason, one sweet little cat shows up at night around my apartment and tends to stay close to me. I have noticed on several occasions he followed me around after I am done working on my car at night. Today he did the same thing except he hung around the front of my building. When I went back out, I noticed he bolted up the staircase to look for me. Since I am a germs freak and I couldn't touch him, I had to run back in my apartment and close the door. He actually tried to follow me in by pushing on the door. He sat there for at least 5 minutes. I think I accidentally scared it away when I tried to throw him some treats through my windows. Anyway are feral cats normally like this. I am just curious. I would love to give him a good home, unfortunately I can't provide it. If I have to, I would pay for him to be in a good home since he seems so sweet. Anyone know who I might be able to contact>