Originally Posted by LunaZ
Actually, I think you mean you need to stop it down 
hey luna.

is that right? im not very familiar with camera language. i need to use a larger f-stop number to make the aperture smaller so i have more depth of field... is wat i meant. i was too close to the interior when i took that pict with watever f-stop i used.
and, i forgot i even had the circular polarizer on there.

on a overcast day like to day, i usually remove it. guess i will re-take later.
Originally Posted by LunaZ
Nice mount!!! 
Originally Posted by GaleForce
Excellent. I'll be ordering at the end of the month. Sigma has a new lens coming out then. I've been looking forward to ordering it, may as well order both items at the same time. 
sigma has a lens for your Hero2 or your DSLR?

sounds like a fun project regardless.