Still willing to accept trades for parts. If you need CAI's, AEM is a great option! Only used for 5 months then garaged while I left country

If you buy and don't like them, send them back to me and I'll refund. If you buy and then want something else, your bad

. They are powdercoated dark gray and won't look beat up like polished intakes do. No reason to spend more than you have to for CAI's.
Link to some AEM filter info:
AEM Dry Flow Air Filter PDF
$$$ shipped OBO
Sparkplugs are still available too. Stealership sharges $120 for these! Get mine for nearly half the price!
1x set of 6 used $50 shipped (Price reduced)
1x set of 6 NEW $75 shipped
And because this is so asstacular, here is my daily bump image, enjoy!