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Old 07-04-2013, 01:53 AM   #194 (permalink)
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Tried installing the aftermarket steering wheel hub to my car and boy was it difficult. It wasn't so much as really hard, it was just very time consuming as there was no write-up for this install (well here on this forum anyways).

Turns out the hub was hitting two sensors (after removal of the stock steering wheel):

and this is how it looks when you hit em:

They would hit at these two locations:

This is the clockspring:

You have to remove the bottom plastic shroud from the steering housing and take the screws that are holding the clockspring in place. I believe there are 3 or 4 of them. The hardest one is the one underneath the top plastic shroud.

Once you do that, the clockspring are held by two clips on both the left and right side.

Wiggle and pull diagonal down towards where your thighs would be. This is how it looks like:

Then place your hub (either NRG or Worksbell) and tighten it down. It will look like this:

Then replace the bottom plastic shroud and continue with installing your aftermarket quickrelease/steeringwheel!

Things to consider:

1. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR VDC OFF and SLIP LIGHT ON. There is no way around this without professional rewiring (i don't even think it would be worth it as they will have to mess with computer wire stuff. Yes, computer wires... you'll see what I'm talking about if you open up the clockspring.

2. YOUR SRS airbag will light on unless you know what you're doing with the materials that came with your quick release. Sadly, there are no directions/instructions!!!

3. The above applies to your HORN! So no horn unless you have it wired somewhere else.

So pretty much, you lose a lot but gain one badass piece of looking interior:

As far as the drive... I love the feel of my new Personal steering wheel. I also have the Nardi Deep Corn 330mm steering wheel but the placement of the thumbs and curvature of the Personal feel more like a race car.

Oh and for the hubs... I have both the NRG and the Worksbell short hubs. They are pretty much exactly the same. The Worksbell one actually looks "cheaper" because of it's flimsy shroud, whereas the NRG one is solid all around.

Oh well, cheers!

Here is a photo of my brother's Miata and my car after the install:


Featured in DSPORT issue #137 - Follow me on Instagram: @definitionxmk
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