I found a leather expert who can make it almost new for about $150. After the leather expert looked at the seat, it was his opinion that the leather had a defect from the factory. We were both concerned that the air bag may not deploy as designed in an accident due to the weak spot in the leather, so I went to my dealer and has them take a look. They said that cosmetics were only covered for 12 months, so that was that. When I pointed out what the expert had said about the air bag, they took some pictures and sent them to Nissan. I will call them next week to see if they have heard anything yet. I am not putting much hope in Nissan, so I will most likely get the seat repaired before I put it away for winter. I also told the dealer that I have never seen another Z with this kind of wear, especially when I only have 18k miles and only drive it 6 months per year.
40th Anniversary 'Z', 312.06HP/260.58TQ (Dynosty EcuTek Tune)
Build Date/Number: 1/27/2010 #706
Berk HFC + CBE, R2C CAI, Clear Bra, Cleveland Z Club