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Old 07-01-2013, 09:34 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cossie1600 View Post
I do have the logs, but not in the details that you are looking for as I don't log engine parameters. I care more about lap times than what the engine is doing. Even though I don't have engine parameters, what I do have is vehicle speed and track positioning. This is how I came to my conclusion. Let's pick a track like VIR as an example. Coming out of Oaktree, there is a 4000 ft backstretch where you basically go from 50mph to 130mph. I take my acceleration curve in that particular section on my outlap/lap 1 where my engine is "cold", I then overlay the same curve from laps later in the sessions (I did this to multiple sessions, not just one). If your theory is true about noticeable drop in power under high temps, I should see a significant drop in my acceleration curve in the laps near the end of the session. Yet in many sessions i have looked at, I just didn't see any big change. Oh yeah, before you say how you come off the previous corner can effect the speed. While that might be true, but the acceleration curve should still remain the same as you are accelerating from 50mph to 130mph. By looking at a general curve, you see an overall trend.

BTW, I understand this doesn't have F1 type of accuracy or Mythbuster type of accuracy, but it sure is more accurate than a buttdyno

I will put something together once my baby goes to bed tonight.

I have posted plenty of data and videos. You can find them on the web for sure as I post most of it. I even overlayed them on top of another if you need to see.
Yeah i was talking about th engine parameter logs, ive done it a few times with my car just to get water temps, but havent really recorded everything else. I could if i had to. I get what you're saying though about your track telelmetry logs. BTW what data logger are you using?

Again though, wasnt saying "run higher octane and solid cooling for optimum lap time performance". I said run it so you have that extra over head of engine safety. The potential added performance would just be a bonus. I dont run the extra octane for the speed, i run it for that extra protection against detonation/pre ignition.
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