Sony is not free anymore man!
Sorry if im sounding like a fanboy I do not think I am. Just discussing my points of why im choosing the Xbox One for online games. Please do not forget im getting both systems at launch. I will give a fair unbiased opinion on both as well.
The 300k servers will act as computing power and dedicated severs for almost all of the games. No more host migrating when the player host drops out
There is no good reason to hack a console the way they are designed it is nearly impossible to plant a worm or virus. Even if they did nothing could be recovered that is of any use. All critical data is stored server side.
You are thinking to narrow minded, the 5Tflops is also theoretical which is how it has been advertised as far as I have seen. Time will tell how well the system does @ 4k at least the ability is there.
Yep my account got hacked and they took care of me. I could of had my account back the same day but I happened to be out of town on vacation so I told them to leave it locked out until I got home.
Bingo someone knows his stuff
Please do not get offended at the information I am posting, I promise as soon as I get numbers and server power from Sony I will be posting it here. I have no intent of being a fanboy and have tried discouraging any comments that lean that direction.
We all just want accurate details and as much information that can be gathered before launch. Lets keep it up!