Originally Posted by dmhenderson
Ran into a friend of mine at lunch who had previously quit working at the restaurant where we were eating. Asked her why she was back and the following conversation takes place:
Her "I'm having car issues"
Me "What's wrong with it?"
Her "I'm dumping oil.
Me "Uh oh. Have you checked your gaskets"
Her "Yep, sure have"
Me "Uh. I'm betting this is not good"
Her "Well we're going to replace the injectors next"
Me "Ok well that shouldn't be too bad. I'm sure you can get a full set for cheap"
Her "My injectors are $200 a piece"
Me "...what. Wait, what exactly are you driving"
Her "2006 pontiac GTO"
Me "There's no way your injectors are $200 a piece"
Her "It's supercharged'
(At this point I know where this is going)
Me "Hooboy. How much boost are you running on that motor?"
Her "I don't know"
Me "What do you mean you don't know?"
Her "I had them remove the extra gauges when I bought the car"
tl;dr there are giant scorch marks across her manifold and the car is dumping oil. Whee.
My diagnosis: Her pistons rings are toast
Any dissenting opinions?
haha well we all start somewhere, but it's the moment you begin to flaunt it and actually have no clue what you're talking about. I refrain from calling people out too often because it's mean but sometimes it's called for!