Originally Posted by Masterbeatty
I personally think tires make a bigger difference. I switched from stock advan sports to hoosires. dropped my time by 3.5 sec. I doubt the money you spend on a OS Giken will drop your time that much. hoosire A6's $260 a pop. os giken $1k plus install= unk difference in time. Just my opinion and experience, yes better handling with LSD but you can 100% tell the difference in the drop in time.
Originally Posted by gomer_110
Completely agree on the tires making the biggest difference. Between the stickiness and switching from an staggered front and rear setup to 295's all around it was the most noticeable change I've made.
IMHO the rank of autox mods is tires->sway bars->shocks->then who knows.
Master, what size A6's you running that are only $260 a piece?
i said, "LSD prolly the biggest performance upgrade in a auto x situtation
next to better tires"
So im saying as well, tires make the biggest difference, and a upgrade LSD from a Open diff comes second. Sorry if my wording was not clear