Well, hopefully, the problem is fixed! Nothing definitive found - no cracked housing or disconnected drain line - so it is assumed that the drain line was clogged. I say "assumed" because the end of the line is virtually unaccessible. The tube apparently exits through the firewall above the passenger footwell and then snakes down into the frame behind the inner wheel well. The mechanic popped off a couple of grommets holding the plastic wheel well liner in place and still couldn't access the end of the drain. Next step was to go back into the car and disconnect the line from the evaporator housing and simply blow the thing out with compressed air, and hope for the best. Despite having originally told me that it would not be covered under warranty the Dealer did not charge anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Wonder how long it will take for the carpet to dry completely....windows are covered inside in condensation every morning. I guess we will see. Thanks for the comments.