Originally Posted by Sh0velMan
I just want to say one last time that if you put breather filters on all four PCV connections, you will have no more positive crankcase ventilation.
Your crankcase will be ventilated, of course, and any pressure build up due to blow by will be relieved, but fuel and water vapor will condense inside your crankcase every time the engine cools and nothing will forcibly remove those vapors while the engine is warming up. PCV exists for reasons other than just emissions, it keeps potentially corrosive vapors from collecting inside your crankcase.
Sam is absolutely correct that it will not hurt anything short term, but think about what is going on inside there over the course of a year or more. Water and gasoline sitting on parts that were never meant to have water and gasoline sitting on them.
I just really think it's foolish to do the "elimination" when you gain absolutely nothing by doing it and cause a vulnerability in the process. Last I'll say on it, I promise.
ok than what if you blocked off the rear valve location completely? and left the PCV in place? this way nothing can enter from the rear and when the car is off the PCV is in a closed postition. so nothing can enter in and when enough pressure has build up when running it will force the valve in the PCV to open and vent blow by pressure. i sucked on the valve, it takes no suction at all to open it so blow by pressure would have no issue opening the valve and venting to atmos or a OCC.