Originally Posted by edconline
I dont remember noticing anything on the last cruise.. How loud is it from outside the car? I'm surprised you can hear any vibration that isn't coming from the sub! 
You can't hear it from outside the car, its just the right frequency where it resonates in the cab. If you open the windows you can hardly hear it. After making that post I thought a bit more about it and I remembered I moved the aftermarket oil pressure sending unit to get to the oil lines (had a leak). I bet you its rubbing on my roll bar now. It would explain me only having it on decel as the roll bar would roll up into the engine bay even more. I am going to pull it off tonight and look for wear marks.
It however does not explain why I dont hear it right when starting to drive the car.
You would be surprised, unless I am on the highway the stereo stays quiet. I love the car sound when driving around the city. BecauseRaceCar right? haha