Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Ah that sucks. I was hoping it would be closer to you.
It's no big deal really. Is the meet on a Sat/Sun or during the week? I drive hours to make it to the Columbia/Fairfax meets and other places... I'm used to putting miles on my car, that's what I bought it for.
Originally Posted by MightyBobo
While we joke that it was a bet that if I went back to college, she'd get her motorcycle license (I signed up the very next day), I was never going to actually force her to live up to her end if she didn't want to. But, she's doing it for me, and herself, so I'm proud of her.
I'm in summer classes. Made the deans list last semester with a perfect 4.0. Taking Geology and Intro to Prof. Writing right now. Geology is actually fairly interesting...
Yeah I remember you saying that. I figured you would do exactly that lol

Cool. I made Deans list my first semester as well. Finishing Planetary Astronomy Thursday, then Starting Written Business Communication next Tues. Also have Business Law on Mondays. But all that will change when I transfer to McDaniel in the fall.