Originally Posted by m4a1mustang
Jerk is a result of user error. If the combination of clutch and lever operation is not smooth, you will jerk. You basically become a jerker if you can't do it smooth. 1-2, jerkin' all the time.
Removal of the helper spring allows one to be smooth, which helps in preventing jerk.
Not saying you can't shift jerk free with the OEM spring, but it's much easier and more consistent without it.
Without proper clutch application you can jerk the car. But i didn't find the Z to have excessive jerkiness there. Just a very mild one. I jerk more when shifting from high up in the ranges over low 2500 rpm shifts.
Originally Posted by enkei2k
So is it possible the user is a jerk? I mean... 
Maybe it's just me, but I kinda like the jerky 1-2 feeling.
 I rather jerk the car when driving aggressive. Moar fun!!!!!
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Last edited by UNKNOWN_370; 06-25-2013 at 12:03 PM.