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Old 06-25-2013, 09:20 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Glambutang is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Wiggins3377 View Post
here are a few questions:
1) are the inputs (i.e. aux input, lightning cable input, SIM card input) built into the screen. Such that once you remove the aluminum backing and bezel you can still use these?
2) what did you do to the home button?
3) have you unlocked your iPad (i would suggest that you do)?
4) have you considered using iSimple to power your ipad and use the OEM radio once you do?
1) My iPad is wifi and i just tether it through my iPhone, but if you had the gsm/cdma you still could use the simcard. All the ports Sim, AUX, lightning are part of the ipad motherboard (which is about quarter of the size of ipad) which are connected by flex cables and are somewhat flexible and you can manipulate location once the cover is off. Also there is a company in china that can make custom flex cable extensions and virtually you can place inputs anywhere in the car, besides the lightning its part of the motherboard. (I ordered extension flexes for cameras). I placed lightning and aux outputs to the back of the cubby compartment. Also you have to connect the battery ipad wont turn on without it, but the battery fits perfectly in the cubby

2) Well home button is activated by gestures i can pinch screen with 4 fingers to exit app, or use 3 fingers to slide screen up to get to the multitasking menu. There are so many other options and you can make custom gestures it all comes with ios 6, and ios 7 will only be better. Also i wired a simple button from radioshack to lighning cable, and when i press it i can turn iPad on, or wake it up from sleep. I put the button by cupholder. In reality if you really need home button its possible to run an actual button to the steering wheel right bellow volume control buttons, but its to much soldering.

3) Yea its jailbroken, I got the f.lux app which dims the screen in warm color once the sun is down. There so much more stuff you can do with jailbroken ipad and make it even more car friendly. Also voice recognition works well unless the fan is blasting. So if you want to send a message to someone just activate siri and talk

4) I dont really want to use iSimple because I have aftermarket head unit which i still have to make to work with ipad, and once i get that done I will be able to control music with steering wheel through the headunit.

Last edited by Glambutang; 06-25-2013 at 09:25 AM.
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