Originally Posted by ElVee
I'm ready for you to defend the Wii U. Go!

Challenge accepted.
Well, one thing you can say about Nintendo is that they certainly have a large selection of first party games that are exclusive to the Wii U. Secondly, they do have backwards compatibility, which is something none of the other "next gen" consoles can claim. For all the credit that Sony has gotten for sticking up for the gamer and saying no to DRM, Nintendo did it first this generation. Motion controls and the Kinect and Move would also be nowhere in sight if Nintendo hadn't led that particular gaming revolution. They also were able to draw in more of the casual audience into video gaming, bringing some much needed life and especially money into the video gaming industry. They were also able to get some overweight people off of the couch and help reduce our rising healthcare costs  As far as being profitable, reports suggest that the WiiU is profitable after only a single game sale. So they've got that going for them too. In closing, Mario, Zelda and Smash Brothers.
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