Originally Posted by FortuneLSX-TT
The problem with the get a 360 instead of the XboxOne is that would work fine if there was no PS4 that did not require an Internet connection. Gamers have an option to get next gen games and NOT have to get a Xbox360. It doesn't have to be done in a Care Bear cuddly way, but you are talking to your customers. Customers that do NOT have to give you their money, and there are competitors who are more than willing to embrace those customers. It's simple business 101, it takes a lot more to earn a new customer or in this case win a customer back than it takes to keep them.
Do people really think Microsoft didnt know this? They were willing to stretch their necks to try and make the next step. Which is DRM controlled by the developers. It backfired pretty bad on them
As for the public and the bandwagon, were some people angry at rumors and misinterpreted information? Sure. That doesn't mean that they all were though. Truth in this case is quite subjective and is all about what you value in a game console. From what I was reading, it sounded as if you were placing a lot of blame on Sony for capitalizing on Microsoft's poor PR, and for the public for not realizing the awesome benefits as you, or Microsoft see them. All I'm saying is Microsoft failed pretty hard on this. (Not necessarily software or hardware wise, but certainly PR wise) If the public was uneducated or jumping to conclusions, they should have corrected it and before it could do the damage it did.
I wasnt blaming Sony for anything. If thats how you and others took it let me explain. People were basically saying how smart Sony was, and how awesome they were at E3 (yet the majority agree their game line up is limp). I was simply saying exactly what you did. Its Business 101, doesn't impress me, I would expect a company to do that on the other end. I was just trying to take away some of the credit people were giving them.
From the
PR perspective once again I agree. I think it was saber who mentioned bailing out to quickly. That is exactly how I feel. As you and I both mentioned they should have taken the time to better explain all the confusing details. Man they have 4 more months to do it!
Regarding losing discs or having them scratched. I'm an adult and haven't had a game disc scratched or lost in as long as I can remember. So I don't see that as any revolution in gaming. Blu-rays are much more scratch resistant, and there's always digital downloads if it is that big of a problem for you. To me, a bigger deal was being able to rent a game or buy a used game. Some games I don't really care to play or am not sure about. Why pay 60 bucks for a game that I can beat in a day and has no replay value? That just creates the incentive to make bad games. As much as I dislike Nintendo, they had it right when they said if it's such a problem, just make better games with more replay value. If the game is good and has replay value, then my friends should be getting a copy of their own anyway. Then there's also Sony's support for Indie developers compared to Microsoft which is a big plus in my book.
I have never scratched a disc. I am very OCD about my games though, to the point that I freak out if anyone opens the pages of the start up books they come with. If I sell something I have touched I want it to look and perform perfect. I say those things but the truth is I only lend games to my father in law anymore, and I have maybe sold 3 games in the last 7 years. I do not have the time to beat games in one day like when I was a child. So by the time I can trade one or sell it, it makes me feel better to just keep it. Since I usually pick them up on release day/week and pay 60.00 it is to much of a loss in my eyes.
So the revolution to me would be not accumulating anymore discs like I did over the last 15 years or so. It would be nice to take my Xbox One anywhere I want and with a simple internet connection access my games anywhere in the world. Yeah I get that some places do not have internet so being able to play offline would be a nice benefit. This is where my term "pig headed" comes into play. In the last 5-10 years how many places have you been to that do not have internet access? In the next 5-10 years how may of those places do you think will still not have internet? Come on people it just isnt a valid argument to me. It is something to gripe about.
Here is something to think about.
Out of 70 million Xbox owners over 46 million that own the system have Xbox Live. (Reference here:
Systems Sold and here
Live Subscribers) That is pretty outstanding if you consider the PS3 network being free up to this point. With the new generation that is now an even playing field. Who knows how many out of those 70 million have internet access as well. I would be willing to bet it is a rather large amount.
I can understand peoples excitement with the PS4's support of indie game developers. Microsoft has support for them as well but it costs more. Does that keep a lot the indie developers away? You betcha!
Back to a little Business 101 here. The number 1 goal of any business should be making money, and keeping a money flow in the realm of profits, at least that's what I would do. Microsoft any Sony alike have lost their shirts on the last generation. Read this:
360 and PS3 loses
If we have another 8-10 years of those losses I do not think we will see another round of these debates. 99% of indie games are flops just like the movies. Why eat up resources catering to everyone that can do some simple 2D or 3D animations. Lets charge some money and weed out some of the wastes of time and server space.
Maybe that is why Microsoft went with a little cheaper RAM (DDR3) and a slightly lower performing GPU even though it is currently a 150.00 unit. Maybe they will make 5.00 off the new systems. Shame on them right?

I am blown away by so many people thinking things should be free. If everything was free we wouldnt have the things we have today.
Luckily both of these companies have massive revenue in other sectors. This sector will not last for ever though if it continues to be a money pit.
I hope one of these two companies set themselves up for some profit this time around so we can continue to have these items of entertainment.
Once again for the
online experience im choosing the Xbox One. You get what you pay for, and if there are profits being made it is only going to be a better experience for me.
You also don't have to worry about hurting my feelings. I spent a lot of time playing around in the sand with no Internet connection, so my feelings are pretty tough to hurt. That's probably why I also disliked the Xbox One's check in requirement. It just sounded like the Microsoft side was well represented already, so I figured I'd jump in and add some points for the Sony side and liven it up. (Without deteriorating into any fanyboyism on either side, hopefully)
Good its hard to read someones text and know their attitude/demeanor. I love the input man it allows me to come back with more response to questions others may have but not asked. SO heres some more spice for your