Thread: FM Reception
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Old 06-20-2013, 03:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Ah, thanks, I get it now. I'm just curious because I've been installing a new Kenwood system in mine and had to get an antenna adapter. I was stuck on what the blue wire on the adapter was for and how to connect it to the Kenwood.

When I connected the blue wire to power, bang, I was getting station after station. There were more than I knew existed from cities an hour+ away north and south from me. I live in a small community in between with no power stations like Austin would have. Plus, my Z was inside the garage with lots of stuff around and in the attic that should interfere with reception.

I thought the shark fin was also AM/FM but I understand about the rear window now. So if the OP had the power antenna replaced by the dealer, does that mean the whole rear window was replaced? Because I'm thinking his aftermarket head unit isn't connected to the stock antenna.
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