well got some good news....my Tomei parts came in
only thing that sucks is I can't install these because I'm still at work

but I'll get the installed pics up later
The Tomei Oil Cap feels good and solid...quality is awesome and it looks like their forged piston which i think is hella cool, as for the shift knob, I got the short version instead of the long ,mainly because my friend in japan told me the shorter one will be better so i listened

I will find out once I install them.
well off to some of the pics
I love seeing Japanese instructions (in my head it all translates to BADD *** lol)
but yeah

the oil cap looks/ feels real good
I just wish Tomei made actual performance parts for the Z34
As for the fujimura lip...Finally found a company to ship it to Guam and now we're trying to get all the shipping info correct and get it shipped to its rightful owner