If this is on the inside, the only course of action is to remove the lens and polish away the coating. Yes, there is a coating on the inside of the lens as well. It is an extremely delicate coating. Just dusting it with a microfiber can damage/scratch it.
I have spent a lot of time and money trying to find something to coat the outside of the headlight after the OEM coating fails from UV exposure and the best I have found is Opti-Coat Lens Coating.
It's only been just recently that I have had an issue with the inside coating (because I am very careful). This was not my fault but I recently had to remove that coating from a light. I don't yet know that coating's purpose or what adverse effects removing it may have since the light hasn't seen a lot of time on the car since I did this.
I polished off the coating and Opti-Coated the inside (and outside).