I forgot to mention the Kinect/privacy aspect. That being a reason to not get the Xbox One I understand to a degree. Someone wanting their privacy is very important and you should feel 100% satisfied in knowing that it is secure.
It just does not bother me because I have come to realize our privacy is already gone whether we think it is or not. If they want information they will get it. Would the Kinect possibly be an easier route for them to obtain information? Yes. Do I think that is the purpose of it? No. I truly believe when they say I can turn it off (it does need to remain plugged in) that it is off, and will stay off.
I feel like a Microsoft advocate all of a sudden

Both systems are going to be great. We are going to have a blast over the next 10-15 years with them. If you choose the PS4 over the Xbox One, great, just do it for the right reasons. Not because "Everyone else is doing it".
There is no denying Microsoft delivered the best online gaming experience with the current (soon to be last) generation of gaming. I am 100% confident they will deliver again and that is why I am choosing them over the PS4 (for online gaming). Heck it was designed to be online at all times. Makes sense it would be the best route for online gaming.
P.S im also getting a PS4 I like both!