Originally Posted by Vichtz
Dang thats too bad. Alright well GLWS man, they should go quick 
Originally Posted by TKomodo
Pm sent for oil cooler
Got it.
Originally Posted by jgibbons
oh man, you won't grey hound freight that bumper??
If you really want to pay for it, it can be arranged. However, I will need to price out packaging as the box will need to be made quite large and figure out where it is going to go. If I need to rent a truck to take it to greyhound that is an extra $80 minimum. Additionally, time. I don't have much of it. It can get messy quick. But if the buyer is willing to pay the final price and understands it will take time to get it shipped then anything is possible. Hit me up a pm and we could work out the details. This also goes for khanhvu411 and anyone else interested. Thanks.