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Old 06-19-2013, 01:03 PM   #20 (permalink)
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kntrider is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ubetit View Post
I see things a little differently. A decrease of $150 a month in car payment isn't enough. You don't need to get rid of a toy car to buy a toy truck, you only need a daily driver. I don't understand the need to jump right into another new car payment. I see two scenarios and neither would involve a new car if you are considering a house.

1. Sell the Z and keep your Versa. Versa goes fine in snow like all the other FWD vehicles. Even better when equipped with snow tires. Uncool car?... only if you care what other people think.

2. Sell all your cars, get one USED small SUV or pickup truck.

Wait until your finances settle down after some time living in a house. Houses and the stuff you fill them with aren't cheap. I've had more than a few friends learn that lesson. Live below your means, pay cash for everything other than your house and take vacations for heavens sake.
This is exactly what my dad taught me and has worked out great for me.

At 31 I can easily afford a Lambo or Ferrari but instead have a Z and S2000 and a house paid off with a healthy retirement fund and looking to get into the real estate game. And I only buy pre owned.

It's all about living below your means. I'm shocked that the recession hasn't taught more people that and only because the economy is rebounding people are getting back into their entitlement habits.

A $100K job doesn't mean get a $100k car just because you can easily afford the payments.

I will get off my soap box, it wasn't directed at you but something I constantly see.

I would go with option 1 above.
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