Originally Posted by MX52Z
Because I'm still stuck on the grey/blue and grey/red wires being connected properly. No matter what I do, the Axxess only sees one of them: #16 blue to grey/blue wire but not the pink wire. When I hook it up incorrectly, then the Axxess sees the #6 pink to grey/red wire but not the blue wire.
It's frustrating because the Axxess sees one but not both. Following the directions precisely, I only get volume control but defying the instructions, all the buttons on the steering wheel respond (somewhat).
So, I'm wondering if the Axxess even needs the second connection at all because if all the steering wheel buttons are responding (somewhat) to my purposefully reversed wiring, then I'm questioning if I'm then able to manually program the buttons to function correctly.
In short: Follow Axxess instructions, get only volume. Defy Axxess instructions and get all buttons to respond (but still need manual programming).
I haven't yet tried manual programming because I don't know how. The instructions are like 13 pages of "hold the vol up button until something blinks" then count some other blinks and then down vol until something else blinks so you can skip to the next button to program, etc. I know you could do it blindfolded but it's still daunting for me.
I've got the same exact problems on the same exact car

The manual programming is still confusing for me. All I can get to work correctly are the volume buttons and "bluetooth end call" will mute my radio lol.. Thats all I've got.. I'm thinking about biting the bullet and having a shop reprogram.. Although I dont like anyone touching my stuff