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Old 06-18-2013, 05:15 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by gsxr750 View Post
Its as simple as this , if your detector warns you before you or the police spot each other visually , then you may get away and slow down in time.

But if the cops spots you visually and then hits you with the instant on or laser ,then 99% of the time you are nailed.

Most of the detectors will boast of their long range detection, which may be true under ideally (setup in their favor) conditions.

But when do you see police setting up on a elevation shooting their radar or laser down on to traffic.

Most of the time the speed detection is set up in an ambush mode.
This is why professional speeders use rabbits to go over hills, around curves, and in known hiding areas. You give yourself about 1/4 miles gap between yourself and someone who appears to be slightly speeding. Even if the detector doesn't pick him up, you're able to see their brake lights. What's funny is that even people doing 5 under will hit the brakes when they see a LEO on the side of the road. It's not 100% fool proof, but works for some when done properly.

Last edited by Highway; 06-18-2013 at 05:19 PM.
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