Originally Posted by NitrousZ34
RESERVED FOR LATER. I'm PM'ing AK. You guys can think it's me all you want. Ever stop to think how many bank accounts you can add to a PP account and how many young people don't even have a debit card? Next time take a step back before jumping to conclusions. I text a member here pretty damn often, he knows a lot about me. I don't have time to do that shít like that. I'm young and dumb? Obviously I was smart enough to work hard for something I wanted and was able to pay for a 370z with cash. And I need money to mod my car??? I'm not rich or anything but I certainly don't need money. I have never been in trouble with the law in my life, and never plan on it.
Sent a PM to AK. Check your messages. Subject is "AK"
I will comment on this thread one more time tomorrow. I'm pretty much fed up with you guys
I find it interesting that You and HumbleZ34 shared the same Ip from the same provider?
Also why did you happen to delete a perfectly legit post?
Originally Posted by NitrousZ34
I have these! Or at least I think I do lol. I didn't know they had different stages though. I'm still debating on putting mine on or changing them out for an actual cf mirror.
Did you incriminate yourself?
Coincidence that you also have a set of these same mirror covers?
Lastly If your so innocent why the Im fed up with you guys reply? I would be pleading my case out in public to save my good name if it were me.
So who else drives a Z shares a similar username uses your internet connection lives close to you, And has a pair of mirror covers that YOU know?
The saying goes if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck? It's a duck....