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Old 06-15-2013, 10:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Added K&N CAI and Magnaflow CBE Q's

Just added both to my 2012 6MT Roadster with sport package. No issues with CEL's from the get go and sounds great.

Question is, gas mileage has droped from 17.5 to 14.5. Sure, I have been putting my foot in it a bit. However, now even after stoping the tromping it is still showing a loss of 2 mpg.

Also, before the bolt on's, I could run in 5th. gear in the city at a steady 50 or so MPH and the car would run without feeling like it was lugging. To get the same feeling now I find that I run in 4th.

Just curious what others are experiencing.

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