Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
We have CAMVAP for those who wish to use it. It works if your truly being dicked over.
Nissan is not going to pay for the same work twice. The dealer must now correct their shoddy repair if that is what happened as we're only getting one side of the story. It sounds like the OP has burned the bridge with the dealer. Too bad. The Z is a great car.
Edit: I don't believe the OP's car is a lemon so even if we had a lemon law, it doesn't apply here, just yet.
Sounds like you are trying to put this on me somehow? I didnt burn any bridge..
Just receieved word from the new dealership. Multiple coolant leaks.. multiple oil leaks. Yeah. Why would I let such an incompetent shop touch my car again. Either way im escalating to nissan. Ill be amazed if this car ever runs trouble free lol