Originally Posted by happytheman
 Hello Ken-San.
I need my hairs cut too. The last time around I had it cut a wee bit longer than usual. My wife is always telling me it's a wee bit too short. Well....now I need it cut sooner than usual.
Guess what? Ima cut it like I wants to. 
hello again, mr.happy!

yah, i have been going to the same salon and stylist for 20yrs.

pretty much the same hair cut each time...just a tad shorter in the summer and left a tad longer in the winter.
Originally Posted by happytheman
Wait a sec... The husband found the email correspondence that his wife was exchanging with a "lover" and then blasted it out six times to 3000+ ppl? 
Originally Posted by happytheman
Gotta step away and start dinner. I'll check back on this email crash-related gossipy chatter. 
= LOL!

i like the contrast.

<= mr.happy
who cares, dinner!

<= mr.happy 2seconds later.