Originally Posted by jofro6
that forbes article is fine, ive read it when it first came out yesterday. But its still all moot points. $500 price is not a lot, especially when you compare it to what ps3 cost when it first came out... I guarantee sony had 2 price points set for ps4 based on what xbox said it was launching at. Xbox one is the same price as what 360 and kinect cost for people that bought them both when they came out. The only argument is now forcing everyone to buy a connect, but i feel real strongly that kinect will be a major bonus in the forgoing years and has monstrous potential with the new specs. But if $100 price difference is really your make or break budget decision, then people have larger financial issues at hand and probably shouldnt be buying any system. Plus if you end up buying the sony camera device you are at the same price point if not more (i dont know the sony camera price, but assume it will be atleast $100)
As for the used game portion, it is still a non issue until the game company itself makes it an issue. Who knows, not a single company may enforce the used game policy for Xbox One.
Like i said in my other post, im not a platform loyalist, and im not arguing that One is better than PS4. I do like to play devils advocate though and look at how big of an issue really is the objectifications people are making about how bad a system is compared to another
There isn't enough info to even compare the next gen kinect to move. As it stands right now. The PS4 standard controller will be pretty much the equal to current move controllers. So we need to see what the PS4 eye will bring in terms of next generation tech to the PS4. It's an uncharted comparo to even talk like it's an advantage.