Originally Posted by ElVee
I don't care for the Kinect. I'd rather not have it and I'd rather not pay to have it. I don't want it invading my privacy and otherwise getting me up off the couch. That's really the reason for the price difference. As a core gamer, I just want a controller in my hand. As a PC gamer, I just want to sit and use a kb/mouse as a controller. Not stand up and gesture, or gesture at all.
Some of the things Im reading about kinect integration are advanced beyond the simple gesture. USAToday article
Why you should keep quiet while playing 'Dead Rising 3'
As far as the privacy invasion, something in my gut tells me my cellphone or webcam are going to provide more than enough intel long before the eyes get to my Xbox. I am fairly certain noone wants to watch me Halo in my draws.