I'll just upgrade my GPU for $500 instead. Don't have to worry about backwards compatibility, lack of launch games, subscriptions to play on the internets, a graphics ceiling, and I can do 3 monitors. I'd rather wait for the dust to settle. I bought a Wii back in 2009, it's not used very often. I used to be a big console gamer, but after replacing six PS2's, no thanks. I've never had a pc part fail unless I did something stupid. My brother replaced two Xbox 360's, I don't have much faith in the durability of consoles anymore. Why is it all the Nintendo needs is someone's hot @ss breath blowing on it? Super Nintendo still works, N64 still works, Gamecube still works. Dreamcast still works. If I would choose only one? PS4 would take my money. $500 and DRM is rough. Not only that but their cloud computing to increase performance does sound like a great idea, it forces the console to always be online for games that deem it necessary. Better have a 100+mb connection because now you'll hear family members bjtch because your F'n Xbox is stealing all the bandwidth to play your game.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
