Again for people that are not reading all the posts the PS4
will require a PSPlus membership to play games online. It is no longer free.
Originally Posted by SmokeEater27
Im a bit undecided when it comes to the new systems. Ive owned both a 360 and PS3 and theres the give and takes with both. With the new PS4 and Xbox one I feel its the same way again. I personally feel Microsoft has always had better servers and for the most part better exclusive game titles. Where as gaming online with the PS3 has been both great and horrible and they too have some good exclusive titles but thats my own experiences and opinion of course. I guess the give and take is that ones free and ones paid for as far online gaming services go. So go figure where more server up keep is going to go towards. With the new xbox one Im not too big on their second hand games tactics from what Ive seen and read. I think alot of people share games or sell games to buddies and for them to pretty much crush that market really sucks. I did read that Microsoft is suppose to being doing a free game a month for "Gold" memberships not sure how true it is. Either way Im looking forward to trying both systems and seeing how they rank against eachother but i personally think the PS4 will stay as the focal system with consumers and the xbox one might find itself posted alot on Craigslist. just my 