Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
This is why I'm an independent and don't align with republicans or democrats. When you align. You become one sided. One sided people will argue one point without seeing another. Not getting political but that example is based on the type of droned thinking we see on the forum.
This brake check thing has a lot of variables and a huge grey area. But extremist mentalities only see black and white.
This argument is like having two armed men with guns. One kills the other. There were no witnesses and the survivor claims self defense.
People like bucket will call him a murderer before finding out what possible evidence is available, or the variables. Not worth it bruh.
Too funny....I said IF an independent witness sees it, you will be at fault if it was road rage... I did not say it was a cut and dry case....And the murderer ? It was someone who was Convicted of slamming on their Brakes..
Some people like Unknown will post without reading...I never said it was cut and dry...And I never called anyone a Murderer.. The court did.
Your funniest words are saying you weren't being Political and yet bringing Politics and extremists into the argument.. Pretty lame....But expected..
But thanks for being One sided and yet saying you aren't...You are always amusing.. Wrong, but amusing....
Oh and YOU WIN....