Fair enough

in my defense though I do not consider a PC a gaming system because they do so much more. Lets face it, you can build one just for gaming but they are multi taskers and we all use them for more than gaming. Then again the consoles are now trying to do to much of thie "multi tasking" and frankly it pisses me off.
I feel like im being spammed with ads every time I turn on one of my systems and see all the garbage pop up, facebook, twitter, netflix, hulu, etc. Everything I own is preloaded with that junk! I want an online gaming system and thats it!!!!! Man where did that come from....lol
Originally Posted by 4r3s
To be fair the title of the thread say "Next Gen Gaming Systems" not "Next Gen Gaming Consoles" so I felt that PCs where viable. And to continue being fair going PC and playing games typically means going with microsoft as well but at least there is starting to be some support on the other OS. And I'm done being off topic.
If I buy a console I'll have to wait for more information. Microsoft doesn't exactly have that great of a track record with their hardware and I still have a sour taste in my mouth from when Sony took away the boot to another OS option. I would definitely buy the PS4 if I had no history or preconceived notions about either company and based my choice off just the consoles themselves.