Originally Posted by Mt Tam I am
Wow I agree with everything to a tee.
My very first event was in the rain and I never ate all day I was so excited. I mentally crashed so hard I could not safely drive the last event. I felt wimpy but this may have been one of the best decisions of my life. Proper nutrition and hydration keep you mentally sharper. Fuel for you, just like fuel for the car, is just as true. I force myself to eat and drink.
One hour before I take a dramamine and a couple ginger pills. I take a 5 hour energy and again at lunch. This takes me till 5 PM and I usually feel pretty charged from adrenaline, I might be able to drive home 2.5 hours but my gal does not want to and have never tried. I think it a wise decision not to drive back actually, as I age I can't do what I once did, ie go for days without sleep.
A standard post event, might be to hook up with a few other drivers at Chilli's and decompress with stories of how and why. I like this best. Afterwards I can relax go for a walk and be asleep by 10 PM. Most other drivers go home after Laguna Seca. Sears Point is only 45 minutes away so I do drive home from here.
Temperature can play a role too. A 70-80 degree day is better than a 80-100 degree day for me. Actually for me 50-70 is best. I get too hot tired and sweaty.
BC20: Did you leave the credit card at the gas pump?
I review my camera footage to help with memory of the event.
The total mental crash has been lessened with more events under my belt which stand at 10 total. I am sure a good portion is the food and water, plus knowing how to prepare between driving sessions. I get gas, sit in the shade, talk to various people and know what time I'm on next. Seems simple but not stressing keeps me sharper and less fatigued too.
My only autocross type event, was an all day event followed by my 30th high school reunion which I attended afterward until about 10 PM where I got to the end of my rope. The drive home was also the first time the little lady complimented my driving.
A memorable day.

see previous post. I DID NOT FOLLOW YOUR INSTRUCTIONS!! sigh. and I am still paying for it. Wednesday and still worn out. I feel realy stupid. But I will do it to the letter next time because THIS sucks the joy out of the fun I had 3 days ago.
(congrats on 10 events- experienced drivers told me time and again on sunday-seat time makes you better-don't rush it)