Originally Posted by 4r3s
wheres the option for "I'm buying or sticking with PC?
That is not what this thread is about???

Just so this doesnt turn into a PC vs Console war though, we all know PC trumps any console that has or ever will be built.
I love PC's and built a new rig every 1-2 years for 10 years now. It isnt a hobby anymore though to expensive since I do not use them for what I build them for (gaming). I choose not to game on a PC for personal reasons. Mostly because of hackers/cheaters/xploiters. They are way out of control over the PC platform. Also because staying on the cutting edge of PC technology, and getting the most out of PC games, would require me to build/rebuild rigs more often than I do.
Also I love the fact that Console Developers leave alot on the table and find ways to improve years down the road. Heck look at Xbox 360/PS3 release titles and games over the years. They got better and better! To this day developers are finding more power and different techniques to get the most out of the equipment. And guess what? I never once had to spend another dime on that.
PC developers want to use the cutting edge technology (dont blame them) and that causes me to upgrade my rig, with my taste, and I imagine alot of others taste on this forum, sets you back quite a few of those dimes.
Back on Topic!
Originally Posted by Huck
I've been playing video games since Nintendo times, and when the first play station came out I got it. I've been using the PS platform ever since. I've owned an Xbox and and Xbox 360, and both of them died on me in less than 6 or 7 months. I hate paying for stuff when you've already paid for it, and honestly I doubt I'll pay for PSplus. That makes me mad. But Microsoft has been and will continue to be a bunch of Nazis that don't care about the wants or needs of their customers. I'll be sticking with Sony.
Sorry for your luck with your Xbox(s) they did have their hiccups. I was lucky and all three of my 360s never skipped a beat. Nor did my last original until I sold it a few years ago (Halo Edition Man I miss that thing!).
I agree 100% with their attitude/approach to the customers.
Originally Posted by hide187
Microsoft had me at Killer Instinct.
I know thats exciting!
Originally Posted by bdavis89
I voted to wait for consumer reviews, just because I feel there is still a lot to be explained and fully understood regarding used games, xbox tv control, etc.
I might actually pick up a used PS3 for the bluray player and free online gaming. I currently have a 360, and let my Live Gold subscription cancel this past March. I'm 24, married, focused on my career and getting my CPA. Unfortunately I simply don't have the time anymore. When I do play, I'm still playing Madden '11, Forza III, and Halo3. Sure, $60/year isn't a ton, but when I'm playing online for maybe 3 or 4 weeks in the year? Not worth it anymore.
Does anyone know if PS3 online gaming will still be free?
I feel you on the time to play! I do not know about the PS3 being free or not for online multiplayer. I just use mine for Console specific titles offline, and Blu-Ray movies.
Originally Posted by Niche79
After Xbox pulled the junk they did, im going back to PS this next console. I pre ordered 7 systems total 3/4 of each. I plan to sell em all right before launch and get a console in the spring because none of the launch games are worth while for me. The only game I liked on Xbox was the Titansfall but that will be on PC and Sony after a year. I have a gaming rig now and was a PC gamer for along long time so Ill just play it there. I am just not gonna put up with a money crazy company. If i like your product I will buy it and spend money on games. I also love to rent games from redbox and will borrow games etc like we were kids. Therefore I went PS for my final choice.
Since I will probably (if not already) miss the chance to preorder I may have to buy one or two from you so I do not have to wait in a line! Dont rip me off to bad though

It will never be as good as the profit I mad on the PS2 years ago my dad and I got a total of 9 and sold them all for 2k + that was awesome. I guess if one of the ships sink it could happen again
Originally Posted by Shadezz
I've been with xbox live now for over 10 years and plan on staying with xbox. I'm never playing single player so Online is where its at for me and xbox has been the leader in online gaming forever now...although the PS4 is tempting....I'll continue my long stay with Microsoft.
PS/ My xbox gamer tag is SHADEZZ if any wants to game sometime!
Im kind of on the same boat as you, but the PS4 is tempting me way more, enough that I made this thread! I would have never even entertained the idea in the past.
Originally Posted by fonzo179
Just put my $150.00 down payment for the PS4, Controller and Last Of Us game yesterday afternoon.
I told my boss I had to get allergy medicine from my apartment 
No shame in Next Gen gaming loyalty!