It's been awhile since I've made a post, but I've continued to add items to my engine bay. Nothing crazy yet, but I pulled more bronze into my bay. I already had my Top Secret oil cap painted, but decided to strip it and reprint my self. Color is a little more matte because I sprayed matte black first on each coat followed by a coat of bronze. Finished up with three coats of clear. It doesn't match the wheels perfect, but I think it looks good. Decided to paint a couple other pieces to match as well, including my Password JDM Fender Washers. I still need to put 6 of my 15 washers in, but not sure where I can put them. I'll figure something out.
I also purchase an aftermarket aluminum radiator overflow tank a few weeks back, and was hoping to have it in time for Midwest Z show this weekend, but it doesn't look like it'll get here

. Debating if I should paint it bronze as well or maybe have someone airbrush a "burnt" look on it to match the intake tubes (I don't think you can get the burn effect on aluminum, someone chime in if you know something I don't). What do you think?
I also mounted my iPad mini using ProClip products, it's not as clean as doing something in the cubby hole, but it'll work for now.
One more thing, I may be bagging my Z real soon, I'll keep you updated.
My iPad mounted (bad shoot sorry):
Items I painted: