Originally Posted by XiP
I've been googling trying to find out if earwigs crawl into your ears but most sites say they don't
They still creep me out though... wouldn't want any crawling around where I sleep
i use to have them crawl into my apartment from time to time when i lived in LA. so much for 'luxury' apartment.

they never came close to my bed so i dont think they really want to live inside your head.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
They prefer warm dark places. I've read a few reports about them nesting in people's orifices. More specifically, the rectum.
Originally Posted by Nismo89
lol last night tornadoes kept popping up everywhere and just wrecking houses and trees down and powerline's down. the local weather channel kept extending the warnings from 10pm-11pm-12 am and so on. if I didn't have the SUV at hand id be sh*t outta luck haha.
weather was having itself a game of romple stomp through the region lol
dang... sound waay too crazy.

tornado's suck at night cause you can't see where the hell it is nor which way it's heading. i speak from experience. we had a tornado touch down about 1mile south of our house 5-6yrs ago at night. commercial building got hit, noone killed.

some stupid prius crashed into a pole. yay!