1. njustidokite
2. Bluz34
3. Facebook (Joe F) aka jofro6
4. Facebook (Ray M)
5. Facebook (They Call Me Diddy)
6. Facebook (Sal T)
7. Facebook (Chris F)
8. Facebook (Steve C)
9. Nick D
10. Facebook (Danny C)
11. Asad aka 370amuse
12. Facebook (Alyssa)
13. Facebook (Stephanie Joy)
14. Facebook (Pablo)
15. Enkei2k
16. 370ZSteve
Wow so far this looks like it will be a big meet like last time.
* FYI * Whoever wants to meet up with us before we head to the meet.... We are meeting at the Roosevelt field mall at 9 o'clock am sharp! for a photo shoot/meet and greet. After this is done. 10 o'clock sharp we are leaving for island import day.