Originally Posted by nmjaxx9
Welcome nice G. 
Originally Posted by luigi90210
Pure sex also you had a nice G37
Thanks for the compliments!
Originally Posted by SmoothZ
Back with your crew? Oh, I see how it is...
I guess that saying about once you go black isn't as true as it would seem. I'm partial to white Z's. I will never go black. 
They'll always be my crew since they're the roots of when I found the G/Z platforms. Looking forward to all the meets this summer!
Originally Posted by Zbrah
Congrats! Glad to see you finally found it! I saw your threads a while ago searching for the right car but everyone said your expectations and price were unreasonable, looks like your patience and diligence reall paid off my man, I'm in the same boat as you were but not a nismo, just a clean PW touring sport 6mt with low mileage for ~25k budget so your story gives me hope! I know it's out there. Looking forward to see what you do with nismo, that G was gorgeous btw.
Definitely be patient man, you'll find exactly what you want and it'll most likely be in the last place you thought. Its just like women....just when you give up and think you won't find anything out there....you meet/find something when you least expect it.