Originally Posted by mults
Hey  ...my Sister lives in Texas  .
Yes, you are correct about things being bigger in Texas, except pickup trucker's brains (and peni$).
Hey, I am a transplant to Tx. Tx is great!!! People are generally, nice, cost of living is reasonable. (Not nearly as low as 6 years ago but reasonable by comparison) Weather is not bad, though allergies are.
But DFW has a mental handicap when people are behind the wheel.

While this is true about most metroplexes. You just see things on the road that only someone with the common sense of a peanut would do. That's not true everywhere. Sorry, it's that bad.
Texting while driving is Tx #1 passtime
Trying to showout other cars on the road, tailgating, fly by's and other nuisances is past time #2
Drinking and driving is #3
Running red lights, stop signs is #4