Originally Posted by SAmilitaryman
Thats great for you that you can do that. Not everybody ( very very few actually ) have those capabilites and skills needed to perform that type of work. You need to quit focusing on what you can do and realise that the majority of people cannot do those things and therefore we choose to pay for quality. I could spout off a ton of stuff about what I do and have done as far as jobs in the AF go and stump 99.9% of people and they could do the same to me. The same applies to vehicles and who has the necessary skills and experience to perform that type of work.
I wasn't meaning to come across as it would be just me. As stated above by you guys a muffler shop can slap those puppies on for $20-40 for 30min of work. Back in the day I've had it done before. Takes an hour or so to bend and weld. It's not hard and not as expensive as a companies CBE is all. You can save easy 2/3rds the cost. Or spend about the same on eBay and maybe no more than $50 if something needs adjusted in the fitment or a weld reinforced. In the end the Chinese 304SS quality will be the same as anyone else's 304SS but will be hundreds of dollars less which to me doesn't make the eBay stuff junk is all.
13 370z-
Last edited by synolimit; 06-07-2013 at 04:25 PM.